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A Church Security Plan

Churches must be safe and should have a security plan. We know God guards His church and that He is more than able to take care of us, but we do live in an age when security should be on our minds.

Tragedies abound, and insecurity floats in the air we breathe. Churches should always have a plan in place to protect its congregants.

Here are six things you should be doing to help safeguard your ministry.

1) Develop relationships with local law enforcement. Develop relationships with your local authorities. Get to know them and make sure they know you. Reach out to them and ask them for advice on keeping your services and ministry safe.

2) Develop a security team. Include outside local law enforcement officials, in-house leaders, and those who’ve served in the military.

3) Have a plan. Think things out. Where should people be before there’s an emergency? Where should they go during an emergency and what should do after an emergency?

4) Communicate the plan. Don’t preach your plan from the pulpit, but ensure that key people in the church know what to do should something happen. You should also determine how your staff will communicate during and after an emergency.

5) Revisit the plan. You should revisit your plan with key players quarterly or semiannually. Every three to six months is ample time to communicate your plan to key people and make any revisions, if needed.

6) Revise the plan. Good plans work when adjustments are made. If you’ve added rooms to your campus, you need to add them to your plan. If phone numbers change, these updates should be noted in the plan,

What are your thoughts on church security? Are there any additional points you’d add to the six listed? Let us know in the comments section below.

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