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A Favorite New Ministry Tool: The Apple iPad

Staff at many churches — from pastors to youth leaders — have been spotted everywhere — from weekly staff meetings to coffee shops — with iPads tucked under their arms. Lightweight, multi-purpose and ultra-cool? It’s no wonder.
One key iPad app for ACS Technologies clients: The Realm Connect app for iPad

“I’ve been using OnDemand on my iPad, and it’s great!” said David Childers, Minister of Music & Communications at First Baptist Church (average weekly attendance: 450) in Orangeburg, S.C. “It’s intuitive and simple. I love being able to access my ACS systems wherever I am, and with whatever tools I’m already using.”

Here are just a few ways churches are using iPads for ministry:

More about check-in on an iPad
One increasingly popular use for Apple iPads is check-in. One advantage is that iPads are totally portable, plus they can be used for other purposes when not being used as a check-in station. Think about it: An iPad can be set up for check-in at a big event one week, and the next, it can be used for check-in at a small group. Going off-site for an event? No problem. And in between events, the iPad’s back to being a reader, a web browser, and more.
The ACS Technologies solution ACS Checkpoint is also compatible with the iPad. Here are a few resources for helping you get started:

Bottom line: Flexibility in today’s world is centered on ease of use and convenience. To truly have a flexible ministry means creating an environment where staff can use the tools they are drawn to, and that’s increasingly going to mean tools like iPads, because of their affordability relative to other computing tools, and the fact that they appeal to the comfort zone of the user.

This post is an excerpt of the ministry guide Workplace Flexibility for In-Demand Ministries, which also has tips on lowering staff turnover, getting more out of volunteers, and utilizing the latest tech trends. Get your free copy today.

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