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ACS Technologies Saints – 2016

As we approach All Saints Sunday, I want to take time to remember the ACS Technologies employees who are no longer with us. It is because of the vision and determination of both the early investors as well as the hard work and dedication of more recent employees that we continue to serve churches today.

In 1978, Billy Campbell and Tom Rogers were two of the original investors. They saw the potential in giving churches modern ways to manage their records. Because of this, Billy and Tom continued to keep the company afloat through the startup years. Their legacy continues today, and the 390 employees of ACS Technologies thank them for their leadership.

Billy and Tom are two of a distinguished list of people who have helped build ACS Technologies as a company. We miss each one of them.

In Remembrance
Company Founders: Harris Rogers, Billy Campbell, Tom Rogers, Rev. Iverson Graham
Sales: Jamie Grimsley, Libby and Cole Sanders, Charles Gwaltney
Training: Karen Collins, Carmen James, Jim Wilmeth
Customer Support: Betty Lynn Covington, Teresa Daley, Courtney Robertson, Jason Lane, Michael Shuler, James Smith
Forms and Supplies: Sandi Bass, Lori Yarborough

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