This year, June 21 is the day to celebrate fathers, father figures, and important men in our lives. Our celebrations, however, might look a little different because of the state of our nation as we face the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as national unrest due to racial tensions. But just because our world is in crisis doesn’t mean we have to forego celebrating the men in our lives who make our day-to-day so much better in many ways.
We can make this year one to remember by being intentional, and focusing on the man himself instead of on all the material gifts, parties, and experiences that usually accompany such a holiday.
Here are 5 meaningful ways to celebrate Dad on Father’s Day 2020:
- Tell Dad you love and appreciate him.
- We have become a nation consumed by our digital devices. Dinnertime conversations have become a thing of the past. When was the last time you told your dad how much you truly love and appreciate him? This year choose to be intentional with him. Sit down together, have a talk, use words, and express your gratefulness. Take the time to verbally recognize the things your father does for the family and make sure he knows how thankful you are.
- Brag about Dad to others.
- Next time you’re able to gather with other people, tell great stories about your Dad to the people you’re with. Tell them what a great handyman he is. Tell them how hard he works at his job. Share with them how much you appreciate how he takes care of mowing the lawn every week. Make others know how proud you are of him. The truth of your words will ring sweeter when you share them with others and Dad will feel so honored that you want others to know that you love him. This simple gesture goes a long way in building your relationship closer and opening communication for the future.
- Let Dad do what he likes to do.
- Sometimes Dads just like to get away and do things that the rest of the family doesn’t enjoy. Perhaps Father’s Day is the day to free him, guilt-free, to go off and be by himself for the day. Let him go fishing, hunting, biking, or motorcycling. Maybe he wants to take the family hiking. Join him enthusiastically! Maybe Dad is just tired from a week of grueling work and wants to take a good, long nap. Let him! Free Dad to do what he wants to do and be happy about it. He will enjoy the freedom and will return to the family refreshed.
- Gather loved ones on a video call.
- In the age of COVID-19, we have all become familiar with video calls. Father’s Day 2020 is the perfect opportunity to gather fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and brothers together for a family gathering like no other. Bringing everyone together for this special time of reminiscing will be special for him.
- Forgive Dad. Father’s Day can be difficult for some people. Some of us don’t have good relationships with our fathers or the father figures in our lives. Maybe, if appropriate, Father’s Day 2020 could be the beginning of a new chapter in our relationship with our Dad. Forgiveness could be that new beginning and the start of healing that will bring transformation to the whole family.
Make Father’s Day 2020 one to remember. Be intentional. Express your love to your Dad in a new way this year, a way that he will never forget.