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Do you have a minute, a “mobile minute”?

This past weekend I flew with my sons for a summer visit to see my family in Texas.  I am blessed that I can share my family and Texas experiences with my children while still working remotely with ACST.  Just this weekend, I got to go to church with my Dad at his local mega church.  At home, we attend a small Episcopal church.  I love my hymnal and communion time, but it is so great for my children to see that there are all different types of worship.  We checked the little guy in, and I enjoyed seeing a children’s check in really in action.  We found our record from previous visit, and out came our labels.  Our bright and friendly room was just down the hall where they knew better than to let me walk in the room and verified I kept my “pick up label”.  My oldest son was able to experience not only were his nice shorts ok (he really liked that), but that when the drums kick into gear that worship is starting.  He could look to the large television screens to read the worship songs or watch the referenced video.  Afterwards, he was able to pick out a David and Goliath “I Can Read” book from the bookstore and then as his treat for sitting still he could climb on some playground equipment in the atrium.  Next Sunday, we will head to a different mega church where I grew up and worship will start with the opening cords from the large organ as we sit surrounded by breathe-taking stained glass.  All are worship but in

different ways which is a reminder and lesson for all of us, especially a child.
This morning, he loaded on a bus to head out to a nearby Christian Camp for day camp.  They have full overnight camp facilities, but offer a bus to a day camp option for some younger campers.  I am so thankful for all of these opportunities and all of the hard working staff that makes it available to him!  But what about me while he is off with his Bible Study, arts and crafts, and pool time?!  I am able to work from a local office here to due to the wonders of technology.  Everything I need is still at my fingertips even though I am not at my normal desk.  Can you at times work remotely whether sometimes you want to or maybe you just need to?  We all at times need to be able to gather key work data when we aren’t necessarily at our desk.  To help facilitate with your “on the go” needs, make sure you have checked out the Church Life App for your smart phone.  This is driven by primarily Access ACS data, but can help you with your people data, connections, and even giving!  Check out the new Mobile Minutes (at the bottom of the Church Life page) to learn more about installing and using this app.  Make sure to scroll through the videos to check them all out and share with others in your organization!
I hope you have a great summer, where ever your travels and adventures may take you.  And when you are back “in the office”, thank you for the work you do to provide opportunities from VBS to camps for all of the children!

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