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Love Required Sacrifice

family reading bible outside

It’s the holiday with the most debates regarding its importance. While some people love celebrating Valentine’s Day others don’t even consider it a holiday. Why such a big difference in perception and how can we look at it through a different lens? 

Valentine’s Day does not hold the significance of Christmas, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, or Easter, which represents His death, burial, and resurrection; however, Valentine’s Day can serve as a great reminder of the truest sacrificial love.

Over 2000 years ago, Jesus came and gave His life for us all. He did it knowing we would never be worthy of it and knowing we would fail Him. Yet He still came and took our place on the cross. There’s no other love like that — this Valentine’s Day we can choose to remind ourselves of that love. 

On February 14th, spend some time with your family reading the story of Jesus from the gospels. Use Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to share the love of Christ. Let’s reflect on how much God loves us in addition to showing love to one another. 

As 1 John 4:19 says, “We love because He first loved us.”

Marked By Love: We Love Because He First Loved Us

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