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Reaffirmations Friday – March 25th

Happy Easter! Whether you’re a church Pastor, directing a ministry, or simply a volunteer, you most likely don’t have too much time during your day to keep up with what’s being written or discussed around key ministry topics like developing discipleship, increasing participation or building stronger church community.
But, that’s OK! Because every week, we’ll round up of some of the most helpful and inspirational news and articles published on the web and give them to you here, in one centralized place as part of our “Reaffirmations Friday.”
Here are the top ministry blogs and articles this week detailing anything you may have missed.
5 Ways to Turbocharge Development of Trust in Relationships
We live in an instant gratification society. One-click purchases, overnight or same-day delivery, self-checkout lines at the grocery store, microwave ovens, and real-time global communications in a 24/7 world—whatever we want, when we want, and how we want it… Written by Randy Conley
What to Do When You Lose Your Pastor
… I sometimes hear stories of trying situations. Sometimes these difficult situations are due to a moral failure, a misalignment of goals, or a mismanagement of money. Other times, it is the need to replace a church staff member that was well loved but has moved on to a new opportunity… Written by Sarah Robins
Why Local Influence is More Essential than a National Platform
Pastor A has a top-ranked podcast, a book deal from a well-known publisher, and 150,000 Twitter followers. Pastor B is the secretary at the local Rotary Club, is the assistant football coach at the middle school, and recently joined a bowling league. Both pastors have influence… Written by Sam Rainer
My Top 7 Goals to Accomplish on Easter Sunday/Weekend
Easter. It’s a time of year when churches have an opportunity second only to Christmas in attracting visitors. Hopefully all of God’s churches will be packed Easter Sunday. That’s my prayer. We’ve had months of praying, planning and preparing… Written by Ron Edmondson
Odd Tweets About Prayer
This week I took five minutes to search Twitter for one word … “prayer.” The results were depressing and shocking. Part of me that wants to believe the best in people. I want to give folks the benefit of the doubt… Written by Landon Coleman
My Easter Salvation Story
Easter is just a few days away. The power and magnitude of the resurrection is difficult to fully comprehend. The price Jesus paid is immense, His love is extravagant, and the gift of eternal life is immeasurable… Written by Dan Reiland
3 Ways to Turn Your Attendees Into Volunteers
Every church leader is looking for ways to get more people out of their seats and into “the game.” Every non-profit organization wishes they had more volunteers showing up to help. We want our members or constituents to be more than just passive observers—we want them to buy into the vision with their time, sweat, and energy…Written by Tim Stevens
Is there are article you saw this week that you think should have made this list? Let us know!


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