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Reaffirmations: Modern Spirituality and Politics

Whether you’re a church Pastor, directing a ministry, or simply a volunteer, you probably don’t have much time in your day to keep up with what’s being written or discussed around key ministry topics like developing discipleship, modern spirituality or building stronger church community.
But, that’s OK! Because every week, we’ll round up of some of the most helpful and inspirational news and articles published on the web and give them to you here, in one centralized place as part of our “Reaffirmations Friday.”
Here are the top ministry blogs and articles this week detailing anything you may have missed.
10 Questions I Ask Myself Before Preaching or Teaching
I’ve been preaching and teaching a long time, and I certainly don’t claim to be an expert. In fact, my failures in the past have led me to ask these 10 questions before I stand before a congregation… Written by Chuck Lawless
3 Critical Truths About Spiritual Warfare
Over the years I have been asked: “Pete, what is your approach to the driving out of demons in the church?” I didn’t know much about deliverance until we planted New Life in the largely immigrant neighborhood of Corona in Queens, New York City… Written by Pete Scazzero
Getting People in Your Church to Do a Devotional Time
It’s that time of year when many people give up on the annual Bible reading plan. Are you like me and a little behind? The frustration is understandable. You want to read God’s Word consistently, but you’re too far behind to catch up with your New Year’s resolution…Written by Sam Rainer
7 Ways Satan Tries to Destroy the Church
I’m not a pastor who is constantly looking for Satan behind everything that goes wrong. I concentrate my attention on Jesus and encouraging others to follow Jesus and not to focus on the defeated one Yet, I’m fully aware that Satan loves to destroy—or attempt to destroy—a church… Written by Ron Edmondson
Serving the Community Rarely Fits on the Church Calendar
“What is this church doing for the community?” In our nine years as a church, I’ve found this to be one of the most commonly asked questions by Christians, mostly millennials, who visit our church. This is a fair question and churches should have an answer… Written by Dean Inserra
Engaging the Elections at Church
With billions of dollars spent on presidential campaigns every four years, it is almost impossible for anyone who has a radio, television, computer or smart phone to ignore the barrage of news, advertisements and commentary on America’s favorite pastime: politics… Written by Galen Carey
Did you see an article this week that you think should have made this list? Let us know!

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