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Reimagining New Christmas Traditions with Zoom

cutting cookie dough

Holidays are normally a special time spent with family and friends. This year you can still spend time with them, but you may want to consider doing it a different way. Especially since many families are struggling with isolation, unemployment, anxiety, etc., having conversations is a great way to connect.

Time for a family Zoom call!

The great thing about Zoom calls is that you can see each other and focus on one another. Make someone’s day and bring a smile to their face! Need some fun ideas for your call?

  1. Have everyone dress up! Whether there’s a theme, “ugly sweaters,” best holiday tie, or more formal attire, admit it, we have all been living in our yoga and sweatpants for the last so many months, so make a special effort for your call!
  2. Share a recipe for a family favorite and even demonstrate how to make it on the call. Share old family recipes – food or beverages! Or make it before you start and discuss it. Does it taste like grandma’s? What is that secret missing ingredient she left out of the recipe? 
  3. Find out if anyone is in need. This may be better as a one-on-one conversation, but, regardless, there may be ways for you to help. Whether it’s financial, physical, or just a mental break from the kids, the family gathering is always a great place to share.
  4. What about family game nights online? Did you know you can play each other online with your favorite board games for free? Search Google to see the selection. Or send out bingo cards via mail or email and do a live BINGO game. Next week have another family member call the numbers!
  5. Watch your church service together online, whether it is your home church or other family members’ church. This may become a new tradition with out-of-town family!
  6. No matter what time of year, it’s always nice to hear what everyone is most thankful for, besides their wonderful family! 

So the holidays and new year may be a little different this year, but embrace the relationships you have and share your most valuable asset with those you love…your time! Have a Blessed New Year.

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