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The Blessing of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving means so many different things to everyone.  To the traditionalist, it is remembering the good ole days of going to grandma’s house, spending the entire day (sunrise to sundown) with family.  For others, it is all about the food!  Whether it be a fried turkey, one cooked in the oven or pumpkin pie, the unbelievable amount of food makes this day stand out more than any other of the year.  For another group, it is about the shopping! Black Friday has now creeped its way into Thursday now and there are deals to be had whether you like it or not.  And for yet another group, it is about football!  Watching the Cowboys game or the Lions play is Thanksgiving, but don’t forget the turkey bowl game in the backyard either.  Thanksgiving is a special holiday for all of us in our own unique ways.

We all have so much to be thankful for, but this time of year allows us to pause and really reflect in our busy worlds how much God has blessed us.  I hope you will put that smartphone away and spend some quality time with family this year.  There is nothing in life that is certain.  We are not sure what the future holds, but I plan on soaking up every moment with my family and storing those memories the rest of my life.

Enjoy this holiday, because as the sun sets on Thanksgiving night, the world moves on to another holiday to celebrate.  The old Baptist hymn sums things up correctly, “Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your many blessings, see what God has done!”  May all of us count our blessings and be a blessing to others this Thanksgiving!

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