Community is essential in the life of a Christ-follower, and it’s created in a body of believers through service. When we equip the saints with opportunities and training to serve one another they grow in faith and in relationship with one another.
There are pockets of members in our churches that struggle to find a place to serve. It may be due to the season they are in, their health, or work circumstances. These individuals still long for community and the chance to serve and feel needed and appreciated by the body.
What a gift it is when we can provide an opportunity for them to be connected to other believers by uniquely serving! One creative but meaningful way is by ministering to college freshmen. When we send our hopeful high school seniors off to become freshmen in college, they are leaving the nest. They are learning to fly and often doing it far from home and without a support system. It usually takes college freshmen a few weeks to a couple of months to find a healthy friend group, and it can be especially intimidating to come in not knowing anyone.
What a blessing it will be for these young people to receive an encouraging note from home! It is a simple, yet extremely impactful, way to encourage them and remind them that they are loved and not forgotten.
- Senior adults can write letters from their homes. This is a meaningful way for our seniors to serve if they struggle with mobility or even being able to come to church consistently.
- Stay-at-home moms can write letters and include their little ones in this act of encouragement. What a tremendous opportunity for these mothers to encourage other believers while still ministering to their own families!
- Church members can quickly and easily send a message on Facebook or their Realm Connect App to stay connected even while students are at school. This will help the student feel ready to reconnect at church when they are home on the weekend or during a school break.
These groups can serve by writing encouraging letters to these college students, but they can also commit to praying for them. This service establishes a relationship and a bond that is dually needed. The college student is looking for guidance and support and the letter writer longs to be connected through service.
We are all called to serve. The body of Christ is built up when we serve one another in love. This uses a simple act to encourage, strengthen and unite the body!