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the top ten mission trip best practices

Make Your Next Summer Mission Trip Your Best Yet

You don’t want to drop the ball on your next mission trip. Summer mission trips give your congregation a unique opportunity to serve others as you grow spiritually as a team.

But they can also be a disaster. A poorly planned, poorly executed summer mission trip won’t just set your mission team back. More importantly, it will make it more difficult to help people who really need your service.

Our ACST team wants to help your next summer mission trip be your best yet. That’s why we put together this new guide detailing ten best summer mission trip practices.

the top ten mission trip best practices

In this, you’ll discover how to:

  • Find (and choose) the right participants for your next mission trip (including what to put in your application so you can make sure participants are a good fit for your team).
  • Pack to make sure you have what you need and can be a blessing for the people you’re serving.
  • Raise funds in a way that is consistent with your principles and ensures anyone can participate regardless of their financial hardships.
  • Debrief in a manner that helps people grow from the experience and makes for an even better trip the next time.

This year’s summer mission trip can be your best one yet. This free guide will help you and your team make the most of the trip so you can be a blessing to others as you serve God across town or around the world.

To get the free PDF guide, fill out the form below.