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25 Fundraising Ideas for Churches: Quick Wins for Impact – Weekly Reminders

church e-donation notification

As part of our series of 25 fundraising ideas for churches, we’re exploring new ways you can engage and excite donors. Today’s idea takes advantage of your weekly pre-worship slides – or other web or digital communications pieces – to deliver donor impact messages.

Don’t wait until the week of your annual stewardship campaign to thank donors or have donors share their stories. Make this part of your weekly rhythm – however that fits best in your church. Whether it’s in your pre-worship slides, your weekly email newsletter or a spot on your online bulletin or web space, you can share messages of donor impact each week.

Imagine if alongside the slides for the upcoming women’s retreat, the food pantry serve day, and the next special choir concert, you included a “thanks for making an impact” slide. Here are some examples:

  • Did you know it costs $xxxx to cool our church building in the summer months? That’s 25 donors giving $xx per week. Thank you for creating a comfortable space for worship, VBS and more!
  • Did you know our youth and Sunday School curriculum costs $xxx each year? That’s 15 donors giving $xxx. Thank you for helping our kids learn to know and love God!
  • Did you know it would cost us $xxx if we had to hire our nursery and Sunday School helpers? Thank you to all our volunteers who make those ministries possible.
  • Did you know it costs $xxx to offer onsite nursing home worship services each month in our community? Thank you for helping take the love of God to our elderly and ill neighbors.

Make a point of tying specific dollar handles back to your tithes and donations. These messages help reinforce the importance of every level of giving and how it supports the church in myriad ways. Look at vehicles, equipment, IT, staffing, facilities – not just mission and outreach costs. Each week, deliver a message about how your tithers and givers are keeping the utilities on, retaining great staff and making your mission possible.

If you’ve gathered quotes and testimony from givers, you can sprinkle those across your slides or communications as well. There’s so much power in members hearing from fellow members who are volunteers and givers about why they are involved and what it means to them.

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