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7 Clean and Hilarious Church Jokes That Will Make You Laugh

pastor laughing

Humor is one of the best ways to lighten up a serious atmosphere. It helps to break down barriers and bring people together. Church life is not an exception, and there are numerous church jokes that can make us laugh. In this article, we have compiled seven clean and hilarious church jokes that will make you laugh. These jokes are perfect for pastors, church staff, and congregants who want to have a good laugh.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • The First Joke: The Pastor’s Sermon
  • The Second Joke: Confession Time
  • The Third Joke: The Baptismal Pool
  • The Fourth Joke: The Church Choir
  • The Fifth Joke: The Church Building Fund
  • The Sixth Joke: The Church Board Meeting
  • The Seventh Joke: The Church Potluck Dinner
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs


Church life can be serious, but it can also be fun and hilarious. Church jokes have been around for years and are a great way to break the ice, make people laugh, and build relationships. In this article, we have put together seven clean and hilarious church jokes that will make you laugh. So sit back, relax, and get ready to chuckle.

The First Joke: The Pastor’s Sermon

One Sunday morning, the pastor preached a long and boring sermon. At the end of the service, a little girl asked her mother, “Mommy, do you know why the pastor always stands up there to talk?” The mother replied, “No, why?” The little girl responded, “Because he’s too heavy to sit down!”

The Second Joke: Confession Time

A man went to confession and said to the priest, “Father, I have sinned. I stole a chicken from my neighbor’s farm.” The priest replied, “That’s not too bad, my son. Just say three Hail Marys and put five dollars in the poor box.” The man left the confessional and thought to himself, “I got off easy!” A few minutes later, another man came in and said, “Father, I have sinned. I stole a pig from my neighbor’s farm.” The priest replied, “That’s more serious, my son. Say ten Hail Marys and put ten dollars in the poor box.” The man left the confessional and thought to himself, “Wow, I thought I got off easy!” A few minutes later, a third man came in and said, “Father, I have sinned. I stole a cow from my neighbor’s farm.” The priest replied, “That’s very serious, my son. Say twenty Hail Marys and put twenty dollars in the poor box.” The man left the confessional and thought to himself, “That’s not fair! The guy who stole the chicken only had to say three Hail Marys and put five dollars in the poor box!” The priest responded, “Yes, my son, but did the chicken have a family to support?”

The Third Joke: The Baptismal Pool

A new pastor was getting ready to perform his first baptism. He asked the janitor to fill up the baptismal pool with warm water. The janitor replied, “Sure thing, Pastor. Should I put in some bubble bath?” The pastor replied, “No, I don’t think that’s necessary.” Later that day, the pastor went to check on the baptismal pool and found that the janitor had indeed put in bubble bath. The pastor asked the janitor, “Why did you put bubble bath in the baptismal pool?” The janitor replied, “Well, I figured

since you said you wanted to baptize people in ‘the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,’ I thought they might as well have a nice bubble bath too!”

The Fourth Joke: The Church Choir

A church choir director was having a hard time getting the choir to sing together. No matter how hard he tried, they always seemed off-key and out of sync. One Sunday, the choir was particularly bad, and the director became frustrated. After the service, an elderly man approached him and said, “I know what your problem is, son. You need to put a little honey on the end of the stick and the birds will come to you.” The director was confused and asked, “What does that mean?” The elderly man replied, “It means you need to put a little something sweet in your voice, and the choir will sing like angels.”

The Fifth Joke: The Church Building Fund

A church was trying to raise money for a new building. The pastor announced to the congregation that whoever gave the most money to the building fund would be able to pick out three hymns for the Sunday service. A week later, the pastor announced the results of the fundraising campaign. “I am happy to announce that we have raised enough money for the new building,” he said. “And I want to thank the person who gave the most money, Mrs. Johnson. Now, Mrs. Johnson, please come forward and pick out your three hymns.” Mrs. Johnson walked to the front of the church and looked out at the congregation. “I’ll take him, him, and him,” she said, pointing to three young men in the front row.

The Sixth Joke: The Church Board Meeting

At a church board meeting, the members were discussing whether or not to buy a new chandelier for the sanctuary. The pastor said, “I think we should buy the chandelier. It will add to the beauty of the church and inspire our congregation.” One of the board members replied, “But pastor, we don’t have the money to buy a new chandelier.” The pastor responded, “Don’t worry, we’ll just raise the ceiling!”

The Seventh Joke: The Church Potluck Dinner

At a church potluck dinner, a man was overheard saying to his wife, “Honey, this food is so bad, I think it’s going to make me sick.” His wife replied, “Well, just be polite and eat it anyway.” The man responded, “But what if I die?” His wife replied, “Then we’ll know what killed you!”


Laughter is good for the soul, and these clean and hilarious church jokes are sure to make you laugh. Whether you’re a pastor, church staff, or congregant, these jokes are perfect for lightening up a serious atmosphere and building relationships. We hope you enjoyed these jokes and that they brought a smile to your face.


  1. Are these church jokes appropriate for all ages?
    • Yes, these jokes are clean and appropriate for all ages.
  2. Can I share these jokes with my church community?
    • Absolutely! These jokes are perfect for sharing with your church community.
  3. Where can I find more church jokes?
    • You can find more church jokes online or in joke books.
  4. Can I use these jokes in a sermon or message?
    • Yes, these jokes can be used in a sermon or message to add some humor.
  5. What is the purpose of sharing church jokes?
    • Sharing church jokes can help to lighten up a serious atmosphere, build relationships, and create a sense of community.

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