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Can I pay part now and the rest later?

YES!  Even though we’re all starting to gear up for Christmas (is it too early to start listening to Christmas music???), this isn’t about your shopping lists.  For some of you that have been anxiously awaiting this answer, you know exactly what I am referring to.  Let me fill everyone else in.  An update to Access ACS was released last week.  This had a lot of great features, but a key feature for many clients is the ability to process partial payments for events.  Previously, event payments were available as part of our Online Payments solution (we also have Online Giving for one time and recurring gifts as part of Access ACS).  It was a one amount payment.
As many of you that work with events know, and the rest of us that attend them, this is often not the case.  Sometimes there is an upfront fee that needs to be paid.  This can now be handled in the software.  The ability for registrants to pay for an event in payments instead of all at once is available as well.  Also, if part of the payment is made offline (maybe a check handed to the person at the front desk), that payment can be applied as well.
Now that you have all of this extra flexibility in your events, you should be able to do even more with your online events.  Payment Details have been added so you can work with all of this new data for an event and payments.  A new export tab was added so you can more easily work with all of your event data as well.
Check out the Release Notes to learn more about everything in this update!  And, if you haven’t opened up the capability of Online Event Registration and Payments, think about it as a 2011 goal!

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