As I continue through my time in Texas, I have been impacted and impressed by different levels of customer service.
One of my favorite spots in Tyler is Fresh Grocery Store. It is owned by a local grocery store company but has its specialty in not only “fresh” products, but inclusive of special custom and pre-prepared items. I am not only intrigued by the variety of the offerings, but so much that they offer is delicious. As a self declared “health nut”, I love all their choices. My son loves it too, though. It isn’t just that he can make his own almond butter or see the large tank of lobsters, but he noticed how friendly and nice everyone is that helps out. His quote to me last night as we left from was “The people at Fresh have to be nice or else they just can’t work there.” The wisdom from a child. If he noticed it, you know their customer service is top notch!
This week’s activity for him was meant to be a cooking camp. I literally have our summer mapped out daily in a Summer 2013 spreadsheet since early Spring. I try to book a variety of activities as well as good kid play time. We show up to the facility with my son full of excitement to find it is locked. As I peer in the windows, it doesn’t look good. I call, and the phone line is disconnected. It’s looking worse. Some posting inquiries on Facebook (a benefit of the social network), leads me to learn that the business has been sold, camps were supposed to go as planned, but clearly something is awry. It isn’t just the previously cashed check that irks me, but the fact that I wasn’t contacted. They had my information as part of sign up, so to let me know of ANY modification from new owner to cancellation would have helped the scenario on multiple levels. You have to think of the customer from start to finish.
As I am trying to run down our new plans and what happened, I get an email from Pine Cove. This is a local Christian Camp that William went to one week that truly overwhelmed him with greatness. Every level of what they did impressed me – and him. In the email was a survey and the request to please fill it out, they want to know how they did and hear back. No wonder they do such a great job, they are willing and open to hear feedback!
We frequently send out surveys to our clients, and we really do read ALL the feedback and rely on it. I have been in multiple meetings and with different ACST employees when they have said “we’ll do right by the customer” or “you know, whatever is in the best interest of the customer”. If I haven’t said it, I work by this too. I appreciate being a part of a business who has this sort of conversation and core in its culture. Please know, that’s what we strive to do, and if we haven’t, we want to know.