For Thanksgiving, I traveled to Texas to be with my family to celebrate. One of the joys was being with my 5 year old niece. She is at the age where Christmas is full of the magic. All of the stores have started the season, so why shouldn’t she? She was happily occupied flipping through toy and craft books to make her list. There was so much to choose from, how to choose? Well, this is a girl after my own heart. She not only cut out the images of the different items, she glued them on construction paper – in order of preference. I love the organization! Plus, how completely helpful. Otherwise, we would be completely overwhelmed by the quantity of the wishes. What does she REALLY want and what would just be “nice to have”?
This whole process made me think of enhancements and ACS. We LIVE on your enhancement requests around here. It’s our “magic wish list”. Previously, it was quite an overwhelming task to organize and prioritize. What is it that client’s REALLY want and what are the “nice to haves”? Of course, we want to do it all, but you have to choose an order! What about idea collaboration between clients? This was all something we have been working to improve in the past year. As part of the solution, we have launched a new enhancement request program ( This allows you to not only enter your enhancement requests, but view the requests from others. You can then vote on the other enhancements you like as well as comment on them. This helps us know the priorities of the user community in general as well as build out the solution where it fulfills the wider need. We really do use this to determine our upcoming releases.
We recently released Version 10.6 of ACS. This has a lot of great new features, including the ability to create Checkpoint Templates. Many of the items in this release are connected directly to the Enhancement Database. You can even see the direct connection denoted by the little heart in the release notes. So, don’t forget to make your list and let us know!