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Lord Jesus

Monday, December 18, 2023

Matthew 1:18 - 25

Attuned to the voice of God

“When Joseph awoke, he did as the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took his wife into his home.”

There is not a single word spoken by Joseph recorded in the Gospels. But what we do find about him speaks volumes about the man and shows us why he was chosen to protect Madonna and child.

We can only imagine the conversation between Mary and Joseph, but what is certain is that by all appearances, the child she had conceived was not his. But he loved her and wanted to protect her, so he was just going to arrange for a quiet divorce.

I’m surprised that Joseph could sleep after that, but he did, and when he did, the angel of the Lord came to him in his dreams with very specific details and instructions. He was told that the baby was conceived by the Holy Spirit. He was told what to name the boy. He was told that this baby in the womb would save us from our sins.

When he woke up, Joseph just got busy. He didn’t question. He didn’t waver. He didn’t shake it off as “just a dream.” He took Mary into his home. They were the Holy Family from that moment.

Joseph was so attuned to the presence of God that he instinctively knew that the dream was from God. Can we distinguish between what we “think” and what God is saying to us through prayer, scripture, or the Liturgy? Let us ask St. Joseph to intercede for us so that we can do God’s will as he did.

Try this: Learn the Ave Joseph prayer and pray it with your family today!

Hail, Joseph, filled with divine grace, in whose arms the Savior was carried and under whose eyes He grew up, blessed are thou among men and blessed is Jesus, the Son of thy dear Spouse.

Holy Joseph, chosen to be a father to the Son of God, pray for us in the midst of our cares of family, health, and work, and deign to assist us at the hour of our death. Amen.