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50 Fun Things To Do With Your Kids During Quarantine

dad reading book to children

One minute I’m so thankful for this time I get to be home and spend with my family and then a few minutes later I feel like I’m just tired of everything and want things to return to normal. Many people I speak with are experiencing these same feelings as well.

Don’t forget, our children are feeling this way too. As parents, we have the responsibility to keep ourselves grounded and help our kiddos maintain their sanity! It doesn’t sound easy and, honestly, it isn’t. It takes patience and creativity.

At this point, many of us are just about out of patience and creativity! Well, I’m here to help! 

50 Fun Things To Do With Your Kids During Quarantine:

  1. Build a fort in your living room.
  2. Make homemade playdough, try with jello or kool-aid!
  3. Try a new cookie recipe.
  4. Climb a tree.
  5. Go for a walk.
  6. Go outside and listen for 10 sounds.
  7. Make popsicles.
  8. Decorate your driveway or sidewalk with chalk art.
  9. Write cards to send to your teachers.
  10. Plant a garden.
  11. Have a water balloon fight.
  12. Make muffins for a neighbor.
  13. Cut out paper snowflakes.
  14. Have a pillow fight.
  15. Make s’mores.
  16. Make a pinecone bird feeder with peanut butter and birdseed.
  17. Study and identify birds in your neighborhood.
  18. Listen to an audible book.
  19. Learn to knit.
  20. Practice free throws.
  21. Do rubbings of tree bark.
  22. Put a puzzle together.
  23. Play a card game.
  24. Learn to crochet.
  25. Make a miniature house out of cardboard boxes.
  26. Paint by number.
  27. Play in the sprinklers.
  28. Make a slip and slide with trash bags and soapy water.
  29. Try a new recipe. 
  30. Write a letter to an old friend.
  31. Play kickball in your yard.
  32. Wash your car with a hose and a bucket of soapy water.
  33. Look for nests in the trees around your house.
  34. Do a word find.
  35. Sit and read children’s picture books.
  36. Play Hide and Go Seek.
  37. Look for worms and put them in your garden.
  38. Fly a kite.
  39. Create a Tik Tok video together. 
  40. Play Tag.
  41. Have a family cooking competition.
  42. Have a dance party.
  43. Look for a shooting star.
  44. Have a sing-a-long.
  45. Make paper airplanes.
  46. Paint rocks and hide them around your neighborhood.
  47. Hula hoop.
  48. Have a picnic.
  49. Play Bingo.
  50. Play Tic Tac Toe.

There you go! Now go have some fun!!

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