Kids LOVE to give more than to receive. I’m sure those of you who’ve tromped through the toy aisle with a kid or grandkid recently are scoffing at me now, but truly – most children naturally resonate with helping others, giving gifts, and the concept of generosity.
We have to work hard to protect and help those values innately within our kids to flourish, and the church can play a key role in that work while forming the next generation of cheerful givers.
In this blog series, we’re looking at innovative ways to “age proof” your fundraising program in your church. Over the coming weeks, we’ll look at our congregants and donors from the lens of what we know about the donor behavior of their demographic and what feeds their souls. We hope this series will give you a new imagination for cultivating generosity among the different generations in your church.
We’ll start by just mentioning some of the intergenerational concepts that work well for an entire congregation’s involvement.
Serve and Give
Borrowing from the long legacy of other service organizations, some congregations have made it a habit to sponsor a day of service to their communities with an opportunity to support specific projects or beneficiaries. One example of this could be a blessing/renovation of a local school or a food pantry or meal packing service event where all ages can participate. Congregations, including kids, help fund the project or meals they’re packing for those in need. It’s a great way to bring fellowship, fun, and service to a hands-on generosity experience. Be sure to seek out projects that small children can participate in so entire families can serve together.
One Dollar’s Impact
Consider asking each person in your congregation to give a dollar more in their offering on a specific week or during a specific season. Encourage children to participate. Choose a beneficiary of those funds that have a tangible impact and that all ages will be excited about what they support. Make this fun and exciting to see what each person’s small contribution led to when brought together.
Offering Giveaway
Choose a season or offering where your church will send part or all of what is donated to a partner ministry, project or special initiative. Some congregations choose a beneficiary of their Easter offering, for example, and give half of all Easter contributions to that project. Communicate this plan and the recipient info well ahead of time so you can ignite congregants to see how much can be raised to support the project.
Any of these options help build an outward-focused, generous culture in your church that leads to deeper commitments and great giving amongst members. In the coming blogs of this series, we’ll share ideas for each span of ages in your church and how to energize them around generosity.
Need advice? Our partnership with ACST means churches needing help can work with us on their stewardship programs. If you’d like counsel about any aspect of donor relations or your church’s development plans, contact us today, and we’ll be happy to talk with you. We are here to help and come alongside you and your congregation.
About Tim Smith
Tim has over 30 years of experience in Church, Non-Profit Administration, Management, and Fund Development. Serving as an Executive Pastor and Chief Development Officer in growing Churches and Non-Profit Organizations. He has provided a wide range of expertise and resources. Tim serves as the Founder and CEO of Non-Profit DNA. A boutique firm committed to helping nonprofits and churches. By building their capacity through fundraising, leadership, team building, staff recruiting, and coaching.