Sharing the Gospel should be primary in every Christ-followers life. Sometimes we need a reminder, some daily affirmations.
Jesus’ last words in Matthew 28 were pretty clear to “go and tell.” In today’s culture, many church-goers are not following the commands of Christ. Outreach is vital for many reasons. Primarily, it is to share with others the truth so that lost people can be saved. Second, it is obedience to Christ. This obedience is what yields a growing relationship with Him.
But as a reminder, outreach is not just something that pastors are paid to do. It is the responsibility of all Christ-followers. To better help you in doing outreach work, here are 10 reminders to help make it a priority daily in your life.
1) Studying the Scripture daily helps us grow closer to the Lord. This time steeped in the Word keeps us grounded and helps keep priorities straight.
2) Praying specifically for un-churched friends and family goes a long way in keeping us focused on outreach and mission.
3) Stay tuned in to the Holy Spirit and His guidance and leading in your life. Nothing happens by accident and He often brings us into situations where we can be “salt and light.”
4) Be sensitive and aware of your surroundings and look for opportunities that God gives you to share your faith.
5) Be intentional and looking at people from a spiritual perspective and thinking eternally instead of just in the here and now.
6) Remember our mission is to share the truth. We don’t save people. God does.
7) God is love. The greatest love we will ever show to others is sharing the Good News with them.
8) Understand that we are in a spiritual war with evil. We win in the end, so stay strong in the faith and lean upon the Lord for strength to endure.
9) Be bold. God encourages us in His Word to be “strong and courageous.” It will take much courage to share your faith in this worldly (and ungodly) culture.
10) Be obedient and stand on the Word at all costs. We can depend upon God to give us the words to say in all situations as we tell others about Jesus Christ.
What are your thoughts? Are there any others you’d like to add? Let us know in the comments below.