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Dear Ministry Partner, Thank You!

Church Summer Giving Trends

Thank you for leading your parishioners with grace during a very trying year. Only God knew what would happen in 2020 but you’ve led your parishioners through everything. Even when decisions like closing the parish or reopening the parish were not popular you did what God called you to do. Thank you for making those hard decisions. 

Thank you for bringing God’s word to all people. Thank you for coming up with new ways for us to worship this year. No matter if it was virtually or in person you filled your parishioners hearts with truth and grace. 

Thank you for listening to your parishioner’s thoughts and concerns. It’s been tough for everyone this year. They appreciate being able to talk through their hopes and fears. Thank you for giving your parishioners Godly advice.

Thank you for coming up with creative ways to still have events and community projects. Your parishioners needed each other more than ever. Thank you for seeing a need for it and delivering. 

Thank you for praying for your parish, the nation, and the world during this pandemic. Your prayers work miracles. Your parishioners would have been lost without their parish but you came up with ways to still bring glory to God. We appreciate your time, effort, love, and support.   

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