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Get Connected in Church

family playing outside

You’re new to the area or maybe you’re just new to the church. You want to try something different and connect with those your age. 

Reach out to the small groups pastor who is typically someone very outgoing and knows many people in the church and the community. This pastor will be an awesome resource and can help get you connected with small groups where you can grow and meet other Christians.

Other things you can do when trying to make new friends are: 

  1. Don’t be shy — put yourself out there and be patient for God’s timing. 
  2. Join a small group. 
  3. Volunteer for one of the serving teams. 
  4. Build relationships with some of the leaders and staff members of the church. 
  5. Find a mature Christian with whom you can connect and from whom you can learn. 
  6. Be BOLD and intentional.  
  7. Follow the Church’s social media platforms — this will allow you to start following other people who also follow the church’s page/s. 
  8. Participate in a local ministry opportunity. 

Being the newbie doesn’t have to be frightening or keep you from getting connected. In fact, it’s the perfect opportunity to get connected and find new friends.

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