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How to Optimize Your Time This Summer

The birds are chirping, grasshoppers are rhythmically sawing, and a warm breeze permeates a delightful afternoon. These are just a few of the relaxing signs of summer; a tempting time to step back, relax, and let your guard down. But, before you drift off into a summer daze, you might want to consider putting forth a little extra effort to ensure your church doesn’t fall behind before the fall.

It can be tempting to join the masses in their mass exodus as attendance dips, giving sinks, and momentum wanes. But this should be a time to push through and realize some real “wins”. With some good planning and follow through, your church can actually make the most of a season that’s often underestimated.

Here just a few things you can do to soar through the summer:

  • Plan “non-church” events. Emphasize the community within the church by putting fun events on the calendar. Use your ChMS to plan and communicate events like sports leagues, kids outings, movie nights, and the like to keep people engaged in they ways they want.
  • Invest in yourself. Take a little time to reflect on what God is doing in your life and ministry. Determine where you need to grow and dive deeper spiritually. You might consider attending a conference, receiving training, or reading that book you’ve been meaning to.
  • Re-evaluate. Now that the rush of spring is over, it might be helpful to think through the things you’ve been doing over the past few months, and evaluate the effectiveness of your approach. What does the data say? Are you still aligned with your mission? What’s working and what isn’t?
  • Train your people. Summer is a great time to take on an intern or apprentice when you have the time to focus on their development. Setup meetings, give them projects to accomplish, and walk alongside them. Ensure their success by setting up pathways for growth.
  • Tie up loose ends. Chances are, you have unfinished projects that have been sidelined. Summer provides the opportunity to finish strong. Use your extra time and energy to invest in all those things you’ve been meaning to do, so they don’t fall by the wayside.
  • Shore up your systems.Take the time to update your databases, review numbers, and sync your technology solutions. Discover new ways of doing things, using the tools at your fingertips. This will create lasting systems for sustainability.

You can’t change the rhythm of the season, but you can interject a new beat that will carry your tune to new heights. Utilizing new technologies, revitalizing new strategies, and investing in people will yield a fruitful season that will impact the rest of your entire year.

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