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Outreach 101: 5 Keys to Discipleship and Growth

Many churches are continuing the push to reach new people as they realize the need to engage the millennial generation.  These outreach efforts can certainly be evaluated with mixed reviews as most churches are plateaued and declining.  This is concerning, but what must the church do to solve this issue?

The answers may seem complex, but at the end of the day it really isn’t.  When you look at the New Testament church you see a band of diverse people united in a cause and serving God daily.  The unity discussed in Acts 2 is real and the results are amazing for God’s Kingdom.  So what must the modern day church do to re-capture that unity and take the Gospel to the world, while at the same time be a healthy and growing church?

Here are 5 thoughts church leaders should consider:

1) Don’t forget it is God’s church, not yours as pastor or even your members’ that may have been there 50 years.

2) Don’t get so caught up in the latest trends, worship styles, etc. Understand the culture around you and engage it without compromising or being too worldly.

3) Keep everything centered on God’s Word. God blesses His Word and people are drawn to it over other things we tend to prioritize.

4) Have a plan. The Bible says, “without vision the people perish.” God desires that we seek His will first in planning, but dream big and get on board with all God has planned for your church.

5) Get the right people on the team who are driven and excited about serving the Lord.  This can be lay people as well as employees to hire on staff.

The goal is not just to attract new people, but to reach them with the changing power of Christ. This means that some will be part of your church through salvation and others will transfer membership to your church.  At the end of the day, your goal should be to disciple them and help them grow in their relationship with the Lord.  Discipleship is the key to retention and a healthy, vibrant church.

For more tips, best practices, and resources on helping attendees become disciples, check out our guide, 7 Tips to Turn Visitors into Disciples.

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