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Reaffirmations Friday – May 27th

Whether you’re a church Pastor, directing a ministry, or simply a volunteer, you most likely don’t have too much time during your day to keep up with what’s being written or discussed around key ministry topics like developing discipleship, increasing participation or building stronger church community.

But, that’s OK! Because every week, we’ll round up of some of the most helpful and inspirational news and articles published on the web and give them to you here, in one centralized place as part of our “Reaffirmations Friday.” Here are the top ministry blogs and articles this week detailing anything you may have missed.

The 5 Factors That Can Move Your Church Forward

Anytime I walk into a new church consulting engagement with The Unstuck Group, one of my main objectives is to figure out “How can I help this organization to move from ‘here’ to ‘there’?” Written by Tony Morgan

Eight Takeaways from My Church Shopping

Last summer, my wife and I moved to the Nashville area and started looking for a church with which to serve and grow. It was a somewhat strange experience for a couple who had never been in that position before. Until now, we had only visited new churches where I was a candidate for pastor… Written by Mark Dance

The Spiritual Gift You Don’t Notice Until It’s Gone

An orchestra without a conductor, a building site without an architect’s plans, and an airfield without an air-traffic controller. That’s the church without administration. If thorns are the stuff of work in a fallen world, thorn bushes are the stuff of teamwork… Written by Trent Hunter

Call yourself a Christian? Start talking about Jesus Christ

“Preach the gospel at all times; if necessary, use words,” Saint Francis of Assisi is supposed to have said. The aphorism, often quoted, expresses a well-meaning viewpoint of many Christians today. They are concerned that we’ve been too loud, demanding and angry. Now, they say, we need to show the gospel by our lives… Written by Ed Stetzer

8 Excuses Church Leaders Must Eliminate

There is no question many churches are stuck. Just last month, the Pew Research Center projected about 106 million Christians will leave the faith over 40 years. (That’s over 7,000 people a day!) These findings only add to the volumes of research describing the Church in decline… Written by Ryan Stigile

10 Ways Church Leaders Avoid Hard Work

Church leadership is hard work; there is a daily grind to partnering with God to build His church. While God does the heavy lifting, we are still responsible for the energy we put into our ministry. Most of the time we have the discipline to keep solving problems, helping people and making progress even when we want to quit… Written by Miles Welch

Is there are article you saw this week that you think should have made this list? Let us know!

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