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Still Here.

Do you have long term employees at your church?  These are the staff members that have been around the longest, and who have seen things change over the years?  Well, I am one of the many examples at ACS Technologies of such an employee.  I started in 1983, when the company had just six employees and sixty churches as clients. From this picture of me at work in the early days, I can see some changes: like less hair, grey hair, glasses, and a little extra weight. However, time has not changed many of the things that existed when the “young Marvin” picture was taken.  I am sure that there were program changes to be made, support calls to be answered, and many of the same activities taking place that occur today at ACS Technologies.  We are fortunate to still be in business so that we can continue to serve the church market. After 28 years, I still love my job, still work with a great group of people, and, hopefully, will still be around for many more years.


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