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Tips On Planning Your Next Church Event

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When you are planning events this year, you have to stretch your imagination to come up with ways to include everyone. Maybe your building is not big enough to be socially distant or some of your members are weary of being around a large crowd. Don’t think you have to cancel the events, consider scaling it down instead. Small events can still make a big impact. 

  1. When you’re organizing your event, be sure to check on the needs of your community. Learn about your community and plan your event accordingly. 
  2. If you have limited space where your event is being held, consider using a capacity limit on your event this year. Only let the number of people into your event that can be socially distant.
  3. Consider having multiple events throughout the day or week for different groups to attend. Instead of hosting one big event, break it down into smaller events so each of your church or parish’s small groups can attend. 
  4. Over-communicate the new rules of your event to volunteers as well as attendees. Be sure to include rules on social distancing and masks, as well as limited capacity so your members can plan ahead.
  5. Register people for your event. By requiring registration for any who plan to attend, you will have an easy way to track the headcount and communicate to attendees about the event.
  6. Use a safe, reliable streaming service to allow anyone to participate and alleviate in-person capacity restrictions. You can even post recordings for those who could not attend!

Even when you have to scale your events down this year, you can still make a big impact in the community. I encourage you to still have your fundraiser, food drive, Thanksgiving dinner, and other events your members look forward to. Just get creative and use these tips when you’re planning.  What event planning tips have you learned this year?

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