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A change could do you good…

Last week to kill time while waiting on an appointment, I opened Facebook on my phone.  There was a lot of commotion in the Facebook community – they had changed the interface.  Users were up in arms, “how dare they,” “bring it back,” “this is different!”  Instead of status updates about children and daily routines, people were displeased about the product.
Before I could explore what the actual changes included, I came across one post from an ACS Technologies employee that I found especially interesting, “Expecting to get beat up pretty good on this … but here goes. Facebook is a front running technology company that thrives on change. They will and should improve and change their program regularly. Facebook was never intended to be for all ages, it has grown in popularity because it has adapted. All of these ‘campaigns’ to keep FB as it is without change are ridiculous. If you don’t want change, there’s always the old school path of email. Please, stop littering my wall with all the complaints about change. This is technology at its finest … it will continue to change and improve.”
Whether or not you like the new interface, step back and think about the change.  Technology is defined by change.  Our company name is “ACS Technologies.”  We would truly not be who we are, even to our name, without change.  We continually work to expand and improve our existing products, as well as add new ones.  In the most recent update, Contributions had a lot of changes.  Recently, the reports in ACS were overhauled.  Great new features were added to both.  Sometimes it stressed out folks when they first logged in to their machines, and yet when they started working in the areas the positive feedback came pouring in.
We all get in our routines and in our comfort zones.  It is our responsibility as a technology company to continue to support innovative work which does involve change.  We need to support our existing customers but sometimes it takes some thinking out of the box.  Another employee stated to the post above, “Our company would not be what it is today had it not been open to change! It’s just part of life.”
You may not agree with everything that is done as part of change, but step back and think why it was done.  What was the purpose?  And where would we be without willing to have a little change in technology.  Every technology offering may not be right for your organization, but don’t forget to take the time to open your mind to evaluate it.

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