Because funds are tight and churches run lean, every individual who works for the church has an important role. Without a doubt your senior pastor understands that. We definitely know it, and that’s why we encourage and pray for you every day. But one of the key church jobs for everyone on staff is supporting the senior pastor.
Maybe you spent every day of Pastor Appreciation month thanking him – but did you really think about what you do day in and day out to support him?
Here’s some advice gathered from various sources on what you can do to support your pastor, beyond Pastor Appreciation month!
Encourage God’s Leader
“Your Senior Pastor has been called by God to lead the flock. Bathe your Senior Pastor in prayer daily! As a former Senior Pastor, I can attest that they feel the weight of leading God’s Children. This burden is heavy and is very tiring. Bless your pastor by committing to pray for them. Also honor them as your leader and look for ways to “make their day” which can include random texts of encouragement, emails of thanks, and stories of life change where they had an impact. Senior Pastors need the encouragement.”
– Chris Reeder, Manager of IT infrastructure, ACS Technologies
Treat him with Proper Respect
“Treat him with as much or more respect that you would anyone else in authority. Sometimes folks tend to think of him as an employee, instead of their spiritual leader. A pastor, however, is God’s appointed man, to help guide the soul of you and your family, and needs our love and respect. Express your respect to his authority by addressing him as “pastor” rather than by his first name, especially while on the church premises. “And we urge you, brethren, to recognize those who labor among you, and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, (13) and to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake…” (1 Thes 5:12-13)”
– Dale A. Robbins
Love His Congregation
“Demonstrate to your pastor, in every way possible, how much you love the congregation. Let him observe you demonstrating a shepherd’s heart. Pastors love a staff that really understands and genuinely cares for the congregation.”
– Stan Endicott
Pray Daily
“I urge then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone—for kings and all those in authority” (1 Tim. 2:2). This includes your lead pastor. Do you pray for him? Daily? Serve the senior pastor with a hidden ministry of faithful intercession. And pray for him publicly at ministry team meetings or when you lead congregational worship.
– Jeramie Rinne
Grow Mature in the Faith
“Grow and work to preserve the work of God in your sphere. Do not contribute to confusion, gossip and bitter attitudes. Get involved in action, service, and financial contribution, which are all vital to the health of the Christian mission of proclaiming Christ in your community and the world.”
– John Catanzaro
Have His Back
“That’s an obvious for this list, but unless the senior pastor is doing something immoral, you should have his back. If you can’t, move on… You should make this decision early in your relationship, preferably before you start, but definitely soon into the process. Resisting the leadership of the senior pastor is usually not good for you or the church.”
– Ron Edmonson
Talk Back
What are your thoughts? What other ways do you support your senior pastor?