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Church Discovers New Way to Track Discipleship

Centralizing Data for More Effective Ministry: The Key to Modern Ministry

First Baptist Church of Woodbridge has anywhere between 1,300 and 1,500 attendees on any given Sunday. With all of their weekly events, meetings, and their packed 3 services, there’s very little time when they don’t have something going on. For a church that size, they needed a solution that could care for their entire congregation as they walk through the process of discipleship.

With a church that is over 135 years old, they’ve had a lot of change. Transitioning to a 21st-century church has shifted their focus to a mobile solution for their extensive ministry areas to help them turn their attendees into disciples. They switched from ACS to Realm in early 2018 to meet their desire for a mobile solution and give them the Pathways feature to help them track discipleship progress. 

“We have a next-step pastor who lives, breathes, and eats what we call the four D’s,” says Bill, IT Technician. “We have a Pathway with Realm for discovering, deepening, doing, and discipling.”

The church has four Pathways set up in Realm with 780 individuals following at least one of them. 

Realm helps their pastoral staff shepherd their congregation through their discipleship pathways and connect on a deeper level with better communication. It also gives leadership the ability to track those communications to support each member’s spiritual journey everywhere they’re involved with the church.

“Since we are a large church, Realm has made our communication a little bit easier,” says Bill. 

First Baptist of Woodbridge has found a ministry partner in Realm and has used the system to improve their discipleship process to impact the Kingdom the way the Lord has called them to.

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