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From the desk of the World’s Greatest Dad: Where safety and fun coexist

children running through field

The following post is by my ACS Technologies colleague Corey Barefoot:

Recently, my 16-month-old son awarded me a mug that proclaims me as the “World’s Greatest Dad.” Being granted this title is a huge obligation; it’s one I don’t take lightly. Naturally, I know my number one duty as the World’s Greatest Dad is my son’s safety. I wouldn’t walk away from him unless I knew he was safe. But I also know the main concern of most kids, including my own – it’s not safety, it’s FUN!

Finding a balance of safety and fun is sometimes difficult. I recently got the chance to visit one of our client churches, Savannah Christian Church in Savannah, Ga. Taking a tour of the church, I saw an outstanding example of how safety and fun can co-exist with a little creativity.

Safety in a ministry setting

We all agree that keeping children safe is our number one goal as parents and as children’s ministry staff members, but it’s no secret their patience sometimes runs thin while waiting in line.  Savannah Christian Church uses ACS Checkpoint as their child check-in solution – but what’s really exciting about checking in at Savannah Christian Church? The check-in stations sit inside artificial trees and the entire room looks like a jungle. Maybe it’s the child inside of me, but I was amazed as I toured the facility and saw the children’s check-in room. Not only are parents getting the security and safety that their children deserve, but the kids enjoy the experience as well. For a kid, a little atmosphere goes a long way.

Quick check-in, maximized volunteers

Wednesday night is the busiest service for Savannah Christian Church, checking in over 200 children from kindergarten to 5th grade at their Henderson campus.  “We recently moved from 5 to 8 check-in stations, allowing check-in to operate seamlessly.  Computerized check-in works well for us as it allows us to utilize volunteers in other areas.  The computer generated security numbers used to match each child’s tag with their parent’s tag gives us the added security protection that our ministry needed,” said Margie Farmer, Elementary Children’s Administrative Coordinator.

After hearing how great their children’s ministry is doing and viewing their facility, it really changed my perspective and helped me appreciate the creativity that Savannah Christian Church has.  Seeing first-hand one of the ideas that helped their children’s ministry become such a growing success was a privilege.  It has also inspired me – sometimes we just need to see the world through a child’s eyes to gain a little spark of inspiration.

Want to learn more about children’s security? Download the free ministry guide “Is Your Children’s Security At Risk?” for best practices and a three-page infographic with detailed information about laying out your check-in system.

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