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Go Mobile with Your Ministry

Like a lot of people, I have two phones. One is for work, and the other is for me. I went to lunch with a friend this week. For the 50 minutes, I made the decision to leave my phones in my pocket so that I wouldn’t be tempted to look at them. Each phone has a constant stream of emails, meeting requests, social media alerts and text messages that demand my immediate attention, but my friend deserved my attention. Most of the other dinners had their phones out. Some were eating alone and answering emails or scanning social media, some were sitting across from their friends with their heads down and fingers tapping. That’s the world we live in. We’re tethered to our mobile devices. While writing this paragraph, I’ve received 4 text messages, and I’m afraid to check my inbox.

Churches can’t and shouldn’t fight this cultural shift. But what should we do? We can teach people to put them away when the present deserves our full attention, but the cellphones aren’t going away. The pull will only get stronger. Churches can leverage this technological shift, or they can become more irrelevant.

A good app that integrates with your church’s ChMS gives your church the ability to connect, communicate, and collaborate with each other.

It helps them connect in the same way they’re already connecting with their friends, family, and workplace. Mobile apps give churches place in the communication space people use every day. Some people won’t get on social media for either personal or professional reasons, but connection requires churches to be where people live. A safe and secure church app gives everyone a chance to participate in the life of your church.

It helps them communicate with their whole church body, and gives groups and ministries the ability to target meaningful communication to specific individuals who need and want to know. A staff pastor can promote an event to the whole church as easily as a small group leader can inform members of last minute change in meeting. A good church app makes meaningful communication possible.

It helps with collaboration by giving groups and ministries a way to work together by reducing the amount of face to face interactions. People are busier than ever, and many people’s work and family schedules give them only sporadic chunks of time which often don’t line up with other people to devote to ministry functions. They can share documents, make plans, and field the questions that people have when the people have time to work on them. A church app allows ministry to happen when people have the time.

Isn’t it time your church goes mobile? Check out this free guide, “Mobile First,” to learn how Realm’s Connect App can help you make it happen.

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