What’s on your wish list this year? For many, the hot item of 2010 is an iPad. We have a growing trend of iPad users (and lovers) here in the office. Lots of people love having them for meetings to take their notes, reference information, etc. Based on all the advertising and the marketing of the 2010 gift items, this is a popular trend of what people are wanting under the tree this year.
In addition to the “fun” and “cool” factor, there’s definitely a lot of practical uses. We have been getting lots of questions here about the possibility of running Checkpoint from an iPad. “Is that a possibility?” We wanted to make sure you knew that the answer is YES! We have heard the possibilities from meeting people in the parking lot and letting them know where to get their check in labels to the greeters in the lobby. Let the creative juices flow!
We have created a video to step you through how to get this going. To watch the video on how to set this up on your iPad, check out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOawqvJUd9A Or, you can go to You Tube and search for “ipad acstechnologies”.
Whether an iPad or something else, may all your Christmas wishes come true!