Whether you’re a church Pastor, directing a ministry, or simply a volunteer, you most likely don’t have too much time during your day to keep up with what’s being written or discussed around key ministry topics like developing discipleship, increasing participation, or building stronger church community.
But, that’s ok, because every week, we’ll round up of some of the most helpful and inspirational news and articles published on the web and give them to you here, in one centralized place as part of our “Reaffirmations Friday.”
Here are the top ministry blogs and articles this week detailing anything you may have missed.
What Your Church Doesn’t Know It Knows
Your organization or church is filled with untapped knowledge. It is filled with things you don’t know you know. So what’s the solution? The answer is community. The answer is your people. The answer is to open up the surface area of potential source of solutions and ideas… Written by Rob Jacobs.
3 Important Ways Discipleship Is Different from Mentoring
Mentoring is a general term used when someone asks another person to advise them in a certain set of skills or a life area. Both mentoring and discipling are relational in tone. Both offer advice or content to some degree. Both focus on helping someone else learn, usually one-on-one. But there are some differences… Written by Dana Yeakley.
4 Dimensions of Extraordinary Leadership
One of my favorite extraordinary leaders in the Bible is Nehemiah. In the Old Testament book named for him, Nehemiah led the Jewish people to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem that had lain in shambles for seventy years. No leader before Nehemiah had the clarity of vision and the influence to overcome obstacles to accomplish this monumental task… Written by Jenni Catron.
The Best iPhone/iPad App for Tracking Your Bible Reading
If you’ve used a Bible reading plan, especially one that requires you to read from multiple books of the Bible, you’ve probably discovered it can be hard to track your progress. I’ve tried bookmarks in the past. I’ve tried a small printed chart kept in the cover of my Bible… Written by Nathan Bingham.
The Importance of Teaching Kids the Hard Stuff of Scripture
How do you guys teach the “hard stuff” of the Bible, and further, how do you equip parents to work through those difficult themes/events with their children? It’s hard, I know. We have been teaching our small group leaders to ask good open ended questions, not really telling the kids what to believe but finding out what they took away from what they saw or heard… Written by Ed Stetzer.
Passion, Revisited: Remembering When I Was Radical for Christ
What would my 20 year-old self-think of me now? Back then, I believed anything was possible. Anything. Nothing was too great for God. I had countless friends giving sacrificially, sharing faith without fear, and traveling overseas as missionaries. That’s what we thought it meant to be Christian, and that’s what I committed to, for the rest of my life… Written by Sharon Hodde