Thanks everyone for the flood of comments regarding the release of our update to the Church Life Mobile apps last month. In case you didn’t know, we released updates to the iPhone app and also released the applications on the Android platform. You can get the apps by going to the iPhone store or the Android Market and searching for ACS Church Life. These are free apps, but do require the use of Access ACS.
The Android release was well timed given new research that indicates Android phones and applications are becoming as popular as iPhone and iOS applications.
Come on Windows Mobile people!
We are working on designs for the next round of updates to the mobile apps for release later this year. Possibilities include mobile giving, small group attendance marking and communications, and others. We’ll be usability testing these designs at the Ideas to Impact conference in Cincinnati in less than two weeks! So, if you’re planning on attending the conference come by the usability booth (run by Pam Griggs and Darci Shelley) and sign up to help. We’ll also have a few surprises to show.
If you’re not yet registered for the conference it’s not too late. Click here to register.
We hope to see you there.