Labor day is now past us, school is in session, football is in full swing and churches are entering into small group season. Many small groups break during the summer and/or over Christmas break. This makes it easier for people to commit to being in a group since it’s not as difficult to spend a few months of intentional fellowship rather than an eternity in the same living room. It gives people a chance to get to know more people.
Small group season in some churches feels like a Fantasy Football Draft. Each group has key roles to fill and is looking to recruit the right people to their team.With this being said, here are some draft tips for your Fantasy Small Group:
- The Worship Guy/Girl—Someone who can lead or facilitate worship. If you draft early, you’ll get someone from the regular worship team rotation. If you draft late, you could wind up with either a former accordion player who loves Jesus but can’t play music or wanna be rock star who is a great musician but is more in love with himself.
- Teacher/Facilitator. You don’t want a know-it-all who never closes his or her mouth, but you don’t want a rookie either. You need someone wise enough to know when to speak and strong enough to be silent. They should enjoy spreading the ball around, but be good enough on their feet to make a play when the group breaks down.
- The Go-First Guy. He is all about authenticity. He’s the first to open up to the group when it’s discussion time. A good draft brings your group closer together, but a bad draft can bring your group unforgettable levels of awkwardness.
- The Prayer Person. You need people praying before, after and during your small group. A good draft will be a normal person who knows how to get in touch with God because they’ve been moved by Him. A bad draft will leave your group prayerless or in the midst of a modern day mystic who is out of sync with reality and God.
- The Food People. Good small groups have stellar food. Snacks, potlucks, desserts, and hors d’oeuvres turn a good group into a great one. You’ll need several people who enjoy cooking or providing yummy food. Good picks will leave your group with full bellies, bad picks will leave you with sour stomachs.
- The Rookie. This person has never been to a small group. He or she may be recently saved or just have rededicated their life to Jesus after a period of serious backsliding. They might still be struggling with smoking and swearing, but want to change. A good rookie will bring fresh excitement, good questions and some visitors. A bad rookie doesn’t exist. Rookies are vital, no matter where they are in life, because they’re the church leaders of tomorrow.
- The Theme or Topic. Your group may study a book of the Bible, parenting, recovery, grief, marriage, mission or almost anything else. A good theme or topic focuses your group and helps them grow to be more like Jesus. A bad theme leaves them counting the days until this small group season ends.
- A Great House. Every small group needs a great house in which to meet. It has to be the right size, have enough parking and be centrally located. It has to be clean, yet comfortable. It should be free from weird smells, potential allergens and hazards. A good home provides the group with room to grow in size and spirituality. A bad home leads to allergies, sneezing, itchy noses and smelly clothes.
- The Kids. If you’re small group league has kids (not all small groups are kid-friendly) you want to make sure you draft well. You’ll want kids who don’t tear things up or spill Kool-Aid on the carpet. You don’t fight a fighter or a biter. You’ll need one or more kids watchers. These people can facilitate teaching with the kids or just watch them play.
Remember to choose wisely and no matter your draft position, make the most of this season’s small group time. Stay focused and remember it’s about walking closer with Jesus and building relationships with your peers.
Is there anyone we left off the list? Let us know in the comments below.