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Love And Joy Come To You

Love And Joy Come To You.

It’s the season to spread good cheer as we celebrate God sending His love — His only Son — into the world to be born as man. The true meaning of Christmas – God’s love for us — often is pondered during the Advent season. We prepare for the coming of the Lord through our daily tasks and through attending meaningful events. 

Advent is one of my favorite seasons. I like to spend time reflecting by hearing the local handbell choir perform their Advent concert, watching a local children’s ministry perform A Living Nativity and driving around the city’s neighborhoods looking at the Christmas lights. It’s understanding the lyrics in a song, watching children capture the scene of Jesus’ birth, and seeing the lights twinkling in celebration that I feel God’s love. It’s through these times I reflect on how I lived this past year — in my work and daily life — and how I can be even more intentional in the new year — how I can become a better servant.

I find that ACS Technologies’ vision and mission are doing just that: Building the Kingdom and enabling everyone in the Church to serve intentionally. It’s in our products and service that we try to give church employees the personalized tools to be better situated to live into their God-honoring missions.   

Ministry is everything. While we live, we serve. While we work, we serve. Every action in your ministry is the most important work — spreading the word of events on campus through Realm or speaking directly to viewers at home during a greeting or sermon, offering prayer during an online forum in your small groups, or giving another way to support a mission. It is the little things. It’s in every action we can be reflective and make each next step even more meaningful than the last.

So as we draw closer to the birth of Jesus, we rejoice for God’s great love. Not only for us but also for giving us a time to love each other, a time for reflection, healing, and renewed spiritual strength to be His faithful servants. Jesus shared our human condition from cradle to death, and it’s in God’s love that provides the way for us to spend eternity with Him.

It is in this joyful season, ACS Technologies prays you and yours have a loving and memorable Christmas season.

May God bless you and send you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

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