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25 Fundraising Ideas for Churches: VBS Plus

vacation bible school

It’s not too early to think about Vacation Bible School and ways you could reach new donors through your summer programming. In this series of 25 fundraising ideas for churches, we’re sharing ways to grow your stewardship program and excite donors. Today, we’ll look at creative ideas for fundraising through VBS.

Incorporating Fundraising in Your VBS

Vacation Bible School is a great opportunity to teach the concept of giving to children and also to invite your young families and visitors into a posture of generosity. Here are some ideas for incorporating a fundraising effort into your VBS:

  1. Simply invite children to bring coins or change each day toward a goal or project. Track and celebrate the giving totals!
  2. Choose a project within reach of your VBS attendance and invite your children and families to give toward the VBS “adopted” project. This could be a new piece of equipment for your playground, the cost of a small project with one of your mission partners, replacement games or cribs for your nursery, or even the cost of breakfast or afterschool snacks for the children in need at a local partner school. 
  3. Advertise your project as part of your registration process and make giving to the project an easy option during registration.
  4. Communicate often about the funds raised for the goal before, during, and after your VSB week.
  5. Invite families to pray for the VBS week and those who will benefit from the fundraising project.

Make the giving opportunity and update each day at your VBS part of your worship or program and part of your communication each day to families. 

A bonus idea for leveraging your VBS: identify the costs of your program and invite your congregation to sponsor or underwrite those costs in a concrete way. What does it cost to purchase the curriculum? Decor? T-shirts? Snacks? Music? Small groups, Bible Study groups, or men’s and women’s fellowships can be great groups to help fund and participate in making VBS possible.

Many churches find that neighbors and others not connected to the church participate in their VBS. Be sure to make those families feel comfortable and included in your communications, such that inviting them to participate in upcoming services and other family events in your congregation is a natural next step.

Most young parents are in a generation whose values include tangible service projects when giving – not just writing a check. Keep these values in mind as you plan and communicate about a fundraising project tied to your VBS.

As always, anytime you’d like help with this or any other fundraising idea, our partnership with ACST enables us to come alongside churches looking for guidance.

About Tim Smith

Tim has over 30 years of experience in Church, Non-Profit Administration, Management, and Fund Development.  Serving as an Executive Pastor and Chief Development Officer in growing Churches and Non-Profit Organizations. He has provided a wide range of expertise and resources. Tim serves as the Founder and CEO of  Non-Profit DNA. A boutique firm committed to helping nonprofits and churches. By building their capacity through fundraising, leadership, team building, staff recruiting, and coaching.

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