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Escape Process Management Nightmares

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Having good process management practices or tools allows staff, leaders, and volunteers to follow a formalized, documented, and trackable action plan. Pathways in Realm® contain steps, activities, and outcomes for your church’s processes. This results in reducing training time and ensures outcomes are consistent and accurate. 

Below are examples of five processes common in many churches. By establishing formal pathways, you can view assigned tasks, trigger the next steps, and track activities’ completion. With the right tools, notifications can be triggered to remind leaders when an action is due or overdue. Use these examples to start managing your processes. Tweak them where needed by adding, editing, or deleting steps depending on what works best for your church or parish.

Volunteer Onboarding

  • Step 1: Parishioner expresses an interest in volunteering.
  • Step 2: Follow up and meet with the Volunteer Coordinator.
  • Step 3: Assess skills and interests then add them to the parishioner’s profile within Realm to record.
  • Step 4: Submit background check to Verified First.
  • Step 5: Completed background check filed (auto-populates in congregant profile within Realm).
  • Step 6: Train volunteer.
  • Step 7: Record relevant licenses and certifications.
  • Step 8: Add to serving teams and groups as appropriate.
  • Step 9: Add to schedule in Volunteer Management.

Hiring New Staff

  • Step 1: Review submitted resume/application.
  • Step 2: Interview with hiring administrator.
  • Step 3: Contact references.
  • Step 4: Complete background check using Verified First and file (will auto-populate congregant profile within Realm).
  • Step 5: Extend employment offer.
  • Step 6: Complete payroll paperwork, copy IDs, and share with the diocese.
  • Step 7: Train new employee.
  • Step 8: Add to staff birthday calendar.

Visitation (Example: Hospital)

  • Step 1: Receive request for priest visitation from hospital or family member.
  • Step 2: Visit from the priest.
  • Step 3: Administer Anointing of the Sick and Communion.
  • Step 4: Add anointing to Registry and a note of the visit to parishioner profile in Realm.
  • Step 5: Check to see if an additional visit is desired and schedule if necessary.
  • Step 6: Post prayer request to the newsfeed and add an entry in the weekly bulletin.


  • Step 1: Register for the Sacrament of Baptism.
  • Step 2: Verify family registered in the church and completed forms are submitted.
  • Step 3: Discuss the Sacrament of Baptism and review requirements with the family.
  • Step 4: Attend Baptismal Prep Class.
  • Step 5: Schedule Baptism.
  • Step 6: Perform the Baptism ceremony.
  • Step 7: Update information in Sacramental Registry and in Realm.
  • Step 8: Print baptismal certificate.
  • Step 9: Schedule new Mom Outreach.


  • Step 1: Register for the Sacrament of Marriage.
  • Step 2: Verify couple registered in the church and their completed forms (including baptismal certificates) are submitted.
  • Step 3: Discuss the Sacrament of Marriage and review requirements with prospective bride and groom.
  • Step 4: Schedule wedding.
  • Step 5: Consult with the celebrant.
  • Step 6: Consult with the liturgy coordinator.
  • Step 7: Consult with the wedding coordinator.
  • Step 8: Attend Engaged Encounter weekend.
  • Step 9: Perform wedding rehearsal.
  • Step 10: Perform wedding ceremony.
  • Step 11: Update information in Sacramental Registry and within Realm.
  • Step 12: Print marriage certificate.
  • Step 13: Send notification letter(s) to the church(es) where they received baptism.
  • Step 14: Schedule new couple outreach.

All the examples previously explained can be easily be attained when using Realm. Realm creates real church automation for next steps, activities, and outcomes for any of your church’s processes. 

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