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Jump In and Swim

This past weekend, I took my children to a friend’s house to go swimming. My 3-year-old still swims with a floatie. This is mostly by my design. I knew I couldn’t keep up with all 3 at the pool throughout the summer months without knowing he had the security of the float. In the last few weeks, if my husband and I are in the water with him we have been working on swimming.  He prefers no float, so he requested this particular day to take it off.  I was right beside the pool, so I told him he could just on the steps. I watched him closely and my older child enjoyed helping him swim a few strokes.

Then, the 3 year old started working his way around the ledge that goes the full length of the pool. I walked alongside him. Then, out of nowhere he suddenly started swimming directly across the pool over the deep end. As he hit the middle, my full instinct was my child who can’t swim is in the middle. So, I went flying into the pool – clothes and all. (In retrospect I am very relieved my iPhone wasn’t in my pocket…) If you were a bystander, you would have seen at the exact same time my friend raising her hand to me to say “he’s got it, look at him go.” Clearly, I didn’t hear her. He was fine and did not need his mother disturbing his swimming.

As we kick off a new school year, I encourage you not to be the Sally swimming mom. Let me explain. I always see the new school year as a truly new year. New Year’s Resolutions have never done it for me. It seems like a random date on the calendar. The new school year is a clean slate. I make personal and family goals. All of the folders are re-organized and empty. It’s a time to start anew. What is it that as you launch off the new year are you wanting to start in your ministry? Or, what is someone else is wanting to start but instead of letting them try to swim across the pool you are afraid to let them go? May this be a new year of new programs, new ministries, and new energy. If you aren’t sure what you might want to jump in and swim to, I am happy to share a few ideas –
Are you utilizing any of our apps? We have the Church Life app for Access ACS clients and The City app. The City app just released the ability to “like” a post and Church Life is working on an update to allow individuals to update their profile data via the app.

Have you looked at non cash giving in your organization? Check out this video on how you can utilize this solution. There is even an integration with The City and iDonate.
Or, perhaps you have not launched Online Giving in your church? You could do the setup now so you are ready for the additional gifts during December.

There may be something else. Don’t be afraid to try to help launch something new. You will surprise yourself and stay afloat!

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