In this blog series, we’re looking at innovative ways to “age proof” your fundraising program in your church. We’re looking at your congregation through the lens of age demographics and what might best resonate with those phases and seasons of life.
Even parents who try to instill their faith values in their children struggle with connecting the dots when it comes to generosity. Often, the family’s support of the church is unseen by the kids as it’s an electronic gift or a check on the offering plate. The middle years when parents are raising their kids are harried with commitments, the sheer hard costs of raising kids, and seasons of limited time and resources. It’s tough to find ways to pause and have meaningful conversations about money and God’s call on our lives.
Churches can help parents by creating and providing ways for families to talk about and connect with giving at home. In some congregations, this might mean making and blessing an offering at the dinner table each night. Or it might look like a special family challenge/project where families are helping with food or supply donations or funds. Beyond the actual donation mechanisms, help parents by providing some content to support the at-home activities. Even just a set of dinner-time conversation cards tied to the project and its Biblical roots will help the entire family feel connected to what they’re supporting.
Another way to help those in the middle years – especially those with kids – is to incorporate all ages into your stewardship drive. Anytime your church is doing its annual stewardship campaign, consider a component especially for children, youth, and young adults to participate. Special pledge cards to address their unique contributions and levels can go a long way in making them feel part of the whole of the congregation in that season.
Seek out ways you can provide ways for the entire family to be engaged in a project and not just giving money. When you do, you’re meeting the needs of the middle years age demographic. Data demonstrates that this age group is more likely to give and to give more to organizations and ministries where they’ve had a positive volunteer or service experience. Keep that in mind as you plan your stewardship and solicitation campaigns for both adults and those adults with kids at home.
In the final blog of this series, we’ll talk about the aging generation in our congregation and how to honor their needs and desires for generosity.
Our partnership with ACST means we can come alongside churches building or evaluating their stewardship programs. If you’d like help and to talk to us about your church’s needs or plans, contact us today, and we’ll be happy to talk with you.
Tim Smith
Tim has over 30 years of experience in Church, Non-Profit Administration, Management, and Fund Development. Serving as an Executive Pastor and Chief Development Officer in growing Churches and Non-Profit Organizations. He has provided a wide range of expertise and resources. Tim serves as the Founder and CEO of Non-Profit DNA. A boutique firm committed to helping nonprofits and churches. By building their capacity through fundraising, leadership, team building, staff recruiting, and coaching.