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Bridging the gaps between and after the sacraments.

Parishes see it first-hand all the time. Families may disconnect from the parish after their child’s baptism; they may not enroll their child in religious education or assist in helping them prepare for First Holy Communion. Parents of older children may not encourage them to be Confirmed or may give up the fight if their teen isn’t interested. But what can be done?

In our new FREE guide, Beyond the Sacraments: Cultivating Lifelong Catholic Connections for Families, we look at the ongoing challenges parishes face in maintaining a connection with families before, between, and after they receive the sacraments. How can we emphasize the relevance of the Catholic faith beyond the milestones of the sacraments, create opportunities for families to deepen their engagement, and nurture a sustained connection with the parish throughout their–and their children’s–faith journey?

In this guide, you’ll find simple plans that allow you to:

  • Stay connected with families between baptism and preschool
  • Engage families before, during, and after their child’s First Holy Communion
  • Help parents plug in and engage in their child’s preparation for Confirmation
  • Provide ways for the newly confirmed adolescent and their parents to participate in the life of the parish


This guide includes suggestions for specific activities and initiatives you can take and make your own, crafting the perfect plan for your parish to make all families feel that the parish is committed to them and their ongoing faith journey.  

To get your free copy of this guide, fill out the form below.