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Empowering Dioceses and
Unlocking Potential

A Deep Understanding of Diocesan Concerns

ACST Catholic is profoundly grateful for the leadership and guidance provided by the Catholic bishops across the United States. Your tireless efforts uplift countless lives and embody Christ’s teachings of love, kindness, and mercy. 

In speaking with bishops and other diocesan leaders nationwide, we are often made aware of the weight of responsibility that is a part of these holy endeavors. Managing diocese finances, supporting clergy and staff, providing quality religious education and formation, administering the sacraments, and providing ongoing pastoral care–these and many more tasks are essential to shepherding your flock. Yet, amidst these demands, dioceses maintain a keen focus on the mission: seeking the lost, forming disciples, and advancing the mission of the Church in the world.

We share this mission-driven mindset: to serve and equip your parishes as they form missionary disciples. By harnessing technology as a tool for connection and growth, we can amplify your impact and help foster more meaningful experiences that can lead to intentional discipleship. 

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Uncovers the demographics and socioeconomics that provide you a deeper understanding of the people in your diocese. Backed by Experian, U.S. Census data and ACS Technologies proprietary study sources, MissionInsite will help you make sound decisions and bolster confidence in your planning for the future. 

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Information is collected across all of your parishes; wouldn’t it be nice to have it all in one location? MinistryPlatform offers you the most robust, flexible platform built to manage all of your parishes, parishioners, those who are non-affiliated, operations and facilities. Customize the experience and data structure to your diocesan needs while choosing what information is available for the parishes. Centralize parishioner communications with a diocesan app built on PocketPlatform.

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It’s not just ministry consulting. Its in-depth practical learning and higher education for your pastors and staff. We know and understand you are taking on more each day. Let our team of experienced professionals help you reach your goals.

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For over 40 years, ACS Technologies Parish Data Software, was built for Catholic parishes and dioceses. Today it continues to support over 10,000 parishes and dioceses across the country while aligning communication and financial data from your parishes all the way up to the diocesan level.

Synodal Process

As we aim to better understand and articulate both the Church’s internal self-understanding and mission of evangelization, let our team provide the consultation and ministry that best fits your diocese.

Contact us at 1-800-736-7425