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Don’t Let Your Giving Take the Summer Dive

online giving devices

Warm weather and sunshine are here which means vacations and weekend getaways are being planned. While we all love to see everyone’s vacation pictures on Facebook and Instagram, we miss seeing them in person during worship services when they are away.

As church staff, you’ve probably noticed that not only does your attendance for worship services go down each summer, but your contributions also take a deep dive.

While we certainly can’t encourage cancellations of vacations, we can show you ways Realm Giving can help your contributions stay afloat this summer.

mobile giving

Offer online and mobile giving options.

You can’t go on vacation with all of your members, but we know they all take one thing with them no matter where they are traveling — their smartphones! So why not use that to your advantage by offering mobile and online giving options? 

Realm Giving provides your members with mobile giving through the Realm Connect mobile app or using their mobile browser to give via your website. You create the custom giving form and they can access it from anywhere at any time. 

Promote recurring giving for consistency.

Some, like me, choose to completely unplug while on vacation. This means giving may slip from their minds as they aren’t using their mobile phones daily. So whether it’s in your livestreams, newsletters, social media, or any other channel, every chance you get, be sure to mention recurring giving. 

text to give

Recurring giving in Realm means your members can set up to give automatically each week, each month, or other occurrences based on their needs. They select their start date and can end it at any time once they are back from vacation. Not only does this meet their need to continue being faithful while away, but it also helps your church know what you have coming in contributions.

Remind guests to give via text.

Don’t forget that while vacations mean you have members leaving town, it also means you have visitors coming to town! 

Text Giving in Realm means your visitors can contribute to your church easily and quickly during your worship service without having to download an app or search online for your website. Provide guests with your church’s unique keyword and the number to text during your service either on your pre-service slides, a slide during offering time, or in your bulletin.

Check out more features of Realm Giving that can help keep your giving from drowning this summer, make things easier on your staff, and promote consistent giving with our giving resources all year long.

Leigh Ann Shelley joined the ACST team in 2019 as one of several Product Marketing Managers, overseeing the launch and overall communication of key solutions to support the church’s needs.  Prior to joining ACST, she spent several years in communications and graphic design roles, most notably as a Communications Director for a large church in Florence, SC, where she leveraged Realm to help solve key ministry challenges.

Read More:

Customize Giving Forms

Track Giving Data and Grow

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