COVID-19’s Impact on

How does your church-giving experience since March 2020 compare with other churches within your Faith? And across denominations?
ACS Technologies, Villanova University’s Center for Church Management, and Wheaton College have partnered to examine the lasting effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on church giving across multiple denominations, including Catholic, Methodist, SBC, Episcopalian, Lutheran, and many more.
These studies are based on data from thousands of churches and are designed to help leaders in the church who are wondering how they will move forward, increase the number of donors and strengthen their overall financial health




Other Denominations are Available
How has giving in your denomination fared since March 2020?
Is attendance by denomination down across all U.S. regions?
How has attendance impacted giving? Or has it?
How has church size impacted giving?
Where has giving increased? And is it really up?
What’s behind all these numbers and more.
Download the Study of COVID-19 Impact on Church and Parish Giving Today
Generosity and its overall decline, its need for communication, and its important stewardship role are one of the acute issues facing the church today.
To help your church in this area, here are some key resources:
For over 45 years, ACS Technologies has been helping churches overcome the obstacles they face as they strive to Build the Kingdom, from staff administration to broader community engagement. Today we’re helping with the urgent issue of cultural intelligence. People have left the church, there is a decline in generosity, and generational attitudes toward the church differ immensely.
Through understanding the data and in-depth research, our expertise reveals and empowers churches of all sizes to validate their efforts today and secure their place for tomorrow.