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Blog » 8 Reasons Why You Should Volunteer for Vacation Bible School

8 Reasons Why You Should Volunteer for Vacation Bible School

child worshipping


Vacation Bible School (VBS) season is here. Moms and dads are excited to sign the kids up for 5 days of crafts, Bible instruction, learning new songs, and fun!

VBS is a great way to minister to families in our communities by ministering to their children. What makes a VBS successful, however, is a team of great volunteers.

Churches often have a difficult time recruiting volunteers. This may be because people don’t understand all the blessings and benefits they will receive from volunteering.

So to help, here are 8 reasons you should volunteer for VBS:

1) Jesus said, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these….you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40). So when you are doing crafts and acting out the Bible story with 3rd graders at VBS, you are doing it for and with Jesus.

2) VBS is an excellent review for when you play Bible trivia. Most likely, you have forgotten some of the details of “Jonah and the Whale” or “Daniel and the Lion’s Den.” VBS is a great way to review foundational Bible stories.

3) At VBS, you will meet other volunteers and make connections with new people. Serving together is a great way to start new friendships with people already in your church. When we attend the same service each Sunday and sit in the same place, we limit opportunities to meet new people. This shakes things up a bit!

4) At VBS, you are guaranteed to get some good exercise! Between doing the movements to the VBS songs and participating in the daily games, you are sure to get your steps in!

5) VBS allows you to be a part of sharing the Gospel with children and, in turn, impacting their families. We are called to share the hope we have, and by helping make VBS happen, you are doing just that.

6) VBS snacks are usually great! Whether you are volunteering in the kitchen or not, there is always enough for the volunteers to have a hot dog, popsicle, ice cream sandwich, or some goldfish!

7) At VBS, you will learn something new and be reminded of important truths too. When we serve others, we are obedient, and the Lord will often use that window of obedience to teach us and reveal Himself to us in new ways. So when you are serving, keep your spiritual eyes and ears open for what He wants to say.

8) If you have kids participating in VBS, this is a great way to connect with them. Even if you aren’t working with their age group, you’ll have plenty to share and laugh about together. It may even inspire some activities at your home with other family members.

For more VBS information and activities, please visit Church Growth!

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