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Blog » 10 Easter Celebration Do’s and Don’ts

10 Easter Celebration Do’s and Don’ts

Easter weekend is arguably the biggest worship service of the year for most churches. A considerable amount of planning should go into all that is happening on this big day. Why is it so important? First, it is the day that Christ-followers celebrate the empty tomb and that Jesus arose from the dead – can’t get much bigger than that! Secondly, it is the one weekend of the year where you will have the most visitors attend your church. Those two facts alone should motivate a church to be prepared and ready for the big weekend. Here are some do’s and don’ts for your Easter worship services:

1)  Spend a significant amount of time praying for this service and that the Lord will be honored and people will be drawn to Him. 2) Be seeker sensitive. Most churches speak a different language that only church people understand. Put on a different lens and think of how someone who has never been to a worship service would think as they come to your church. 3) Make sure your greeters, welcome, and parking lot teams are ready to go. First impressions go a long way to all who are attending that weekend. 4) Have a good system for capturing guest information. The last thing you want to do is have a bunch of new people come and then have no way to contact them afterwards. 5) Preach the Word. Don’t rely on technology and all the latest trends to draw people to your church. Not that it is bad, but keep the main thing focused on Christ and the Word.


1) Be fake. Some churches put on a “production” for one day and then go back to “normal”. Be authentic and genuine. 2) Look at what every other church is doing and try to copy them. There is something to learn from other ministries, but each community is different. Be focused on reaching your local community. 3) Try to do too much in one service. Packing everything in to showcase your entire ministry is a mistake. Keep it simple and focused on God’s Word. 4) Be too pushy in trying to get guests to come back. They will decide very quickly if your church is a good “fit” for them. 5) Miss out personally on worship by worrying about the fine details of the day. The realization of victory over death through Christ is more than enough to cause to reflect and praise Him.

Want more tips, advice, and best practices as you get ready for this weekend? Check out our new guide, “Bigger Better Easter.”

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