Since its birth in 1893, Hardin Baptist Church, in the small farming town of Hardin, KY, has been on a mission: to glorify God by growing disciples who make disciples. And they’re not just interested in making disciples within the church. The leaders of Hardin fill her people with the truth of the gospel and challenge them to grow in their discipleship journey so they’re prepared to go out into the world to make disciples.
Kory Cunningham, Associate Pastor, says, “Here at Hardin, we love to preach the Word of God. We challenge our people to not only hear the Word on Sunday mornings, but to take God’s teachings with them throughout the week and personally grow as a disciple of Christ. Our goal is to equip them to fulfill the Great Commission: to go out into the world and make disciples.” The church is united in that mission.
One of the many ways Hardin fulfills that calling is by serving their community and beyond. In November, Hardin ran an event called “Skip Lunch,” partnering with Kids Against Hunger, a nonprofit that packages nutritious meals for starving children and their families around the world. Hardin came together one Sunday and decided to skip lunch at a restaurant and instead, donate that money to this cause. Through eGiving in Realm and through other donations, they raised $7,500 and their over 200 volunteers packaged 41,000 meals for families in eastern Kentucky.
And on a weekly basis, Hardin’s food pantry is open for those in need to gather food and basic necessities. Their clothing closet, Threads of Hope, allows people to shop for clothing, free of charge. The folks of Hardin have taken to heart the words of Matthew 25:40: “’Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”
Hardin Baptist has seen tremendous growth over the years. Even though the town’s population is right at 300, Hardin Baptist reaches hundreds of people in their community and surrounding areas. Pastored by a father-son team, staffed by a passionate group of believers, and made up of growing disciples who love to serve and give, Hardin Baptist Church is truly living out its mission every day.