3 Reasons People Will
Give to Your Church
There are so many ways for churches like yours
to fully fund their ministries.
Giving in many churches across the country is on the decline. Younger generations are giving less than their predecessors. And many churches are struggling to raise the funds required for building the Church and reaching people for Christ. But the good news is, there are ways to grow giving in your ministry, and it’s not as hard as you might think. You just need the right tools and a plan, and you’re on your way!
That’s why we’ve created a free guide to help you understand the real reasons why people will become, and continue to be, increasingly faithful contributors to your church. Plus, you’ll discover how Realm® – a new approach to church management software – seamlessly integrates with eGiving, making things easier on your staff and convenient (and secure) for your donors.

In this guide, you’ll learn how, with Realm’s help, you can:
- Lay a foundation for faithful giving
- Help people know how and why to give
- Share the mission of your church to increase giving
- Make giving at your church easier than ever before
- Use tools and methods to cultivate, communicate, and continue with giving
Plus, learn how our expert eGiving Coaches™ walk alongside your ministry to help you use solutions like online, mobile, text, and kiosk giving to their maximum potential!